Monday, February 7, 2011

Thinking on the works of Huizinga,

I though about how my kitten plays. Huizinga looks at how play is natural in animals. I also realized how much enjoyment and fun I get out of when I play with her. I realized I play with her everyday, at least twice a day. Probably for 15 minutes at a time. I composed a list of some of my favourite games I play with her.

1) Shoe string game. Probably the most simple game imaginable but it never grows monotonous. The enjoyment I gain from playing this game is trying to out smart her and see how dedicated to the game she is. My favourite is dragging the string over couches and watching how quick she can sprint up and over them. It's a game of speed and versatility. I find this on both sides of the game.

2) Fetch. She has two items that she find most 'fetchable'. She chooses a pink pony stuffed animal and any crumbled ball of paper. The fun I find in this game is to see who can last the longest being most interested in the game. Reminds me of a childish game of who can go the longest with out talking.  I often win this one because she gets distracted easily.

3)  String and stick game. This game she usually lasts longer in the attention span. This game I find amusing due to her determination to play. She will jump until she is too tired and when she is too tired she will lay down and bat it trying to continue the game.

4) Tag. This game involves equal game play. This game does depend on the kitten's mood. She must be in a chase and be chased mood. The game play goes as she decides when to stop and let me pet her, then I run and she will chase me. 

5) Hunting game. This game is also dependent on the kitten's mood. The game can only be engaged at certain times when she is wide eyes and focused. This game consists of me hiding behind objects and allowing her time to strategize and attack. 

These games are simple but amusement is found perhaps in their naturalness? 

I think my cat maybe a dog. 

example of kitten game play. fetch, hunting, and stick and string.

Nora. 5 months. Brown Tabby. 

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