Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Back from gaming hiatus.

              I spent a large sum of my childhood playing games with my older brother. My brother is five years older then me. When he grew up out of playing games with his little sister I stopped playing as much. Money for consoles wasn't really an option. I had just played the games my brother always got and played them on the consoles he bought. I grew up mostly with Super Nintendo and Play Station. I got my Mac computer last year and I installed Windows Vista on it so I could play more video games. The windows side of my computer is permanently frozen, so I have given up on new games.

The last stage of video game play was seven months ago when I moved into my new place. No cable, no internet, just sweet Super Nintendo. I replayed Final Fantasy 3, (FFIII is my favourite game of all time) Zelda, and Family Feud. 

 [side note on Family Feud: The first time I played it I was put into a bullet round. This determines how much money you play for, and you are given one answer questions. The very first question I had received was "Who is the most well known person?" I assumed Elvis or Jesus. I went with Elvis. My answer was incorrect and the correct answer was "George Bush". I was fed up by that and didn't play it for a few days. I think the game should of distinguished it as ever? Or in North America? Also, George Bush, really?]

Anyway, upoun taking a video game class I must now branch out and game again.

Minecraft has been a rude awakening. I had a classmate show me the ropes. I had died seven times in a row. The game offers no explanation or tips. How was I suppose to know zombies come out at night? All you see when you start the game is cute pixelated things.  I learned that using my square fist I can chop down trees, and defy gravity with blocks of dirt. Anyway, I learned a few things and I now have an amazing house by the sea. I grew few trees to make an entrance. I have windows to watch the sunrise and spy on skeletons that want to shoot me dead. I have a great treasure chest, and many great tools. Super addicting game. 

This game appeals to me in many ways. This game also has many negative qualities. For a player like myself, I really have difficulty with the night time lapsing. Since I have not discouvered any flint yet I spend my nights indoors stating out the window til it is light. The night time is lengthy and this game does not give you an option to speed up time lapsing or allow me to run in the back ground while I do other things. Second thing that bothered me about his game is it's lack of instruction. I enjoy puzzles inside of games, but I do not enjoy it when learning new games is a puzzle. I don't mind the poor graphics since majority of my games are Super Nintendo and Play Station. The appeals to this game is the option to customize. I am not interested in fighting monsters or finding rare ore. I like to build log houses by the sea and have a nice flower garden out front. This is similar to the games Harvest Moon and Sims 2 I have spent many hours working on houses and customizing, and ignoring the main plot of the storyline. I like to have freedom to explore worlds. 

        I learned how to play Minecraft Wednesday for an hour and half. I spent the evening from 10 P.M. till 4 A.M. the next day. I was determined to finish my house. I haven't had too much time to continue and I know I will have to set it down to start my group project soon. I'm purposefully removing the attachment to the house. I also realized the appeal to long term gaming. I enjoy RPGs mostly for their stories. I like to play long hours so I can learn more of the story. Much like a good book. I find comfort in long term gaming rather then short small segments. 

Long first blog, but It's been a long time gone.

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